ACT Science: A Silly Scavenger Hunt
Any seasoned test preparation tutor should tell you that we rarely assign intrinsic value to what these exams purport to test. Sure, it's...

So You Want to Build a Good Tester?
(First, a disclaimer: this post is meant as a mirthful article imagining how someone might go about creating a good tester. It is NOT an...

What Does That Word MEAN?!
Definitions of words are still loosely tested on the SAT and ACT, although in a much less formulaic way now than you might remember. Gone...

Why My Students Read Their Answers To Me
Early in my teaching days, I developed a strange habit that was a result of countless hours meeting with students; instead of simply...

What Good Testers See
If you don't consider yourself a particularly skilled test taker, it can be very frustrating to witness other people be more successful...

Do What You Say You're Going to Do
As a proud homeowner, I've certainly had the "pleasure" of experiencing the dreaded home renovation project. Remodeling our kitchen,...

Feels like deja vu all over again
Standardized testing, particularly the SAT and ACT, is a wonderfully forgiving thing. Collectively, you have 13 different testing dates...

Getting to Know Us
Our founder was interviewed by Swellspeak, a national consulting and marketing firm. Here are the highlights from that conversation: "Why...

Run Forrest Run
Here's one of the most common questions I've received in 20 years of working in this industry. "Allan, what's the most effective way to...

To New Beginnings
It is with immense pleasure that I welcome you to Pulido Prep! This is a lifelong dream for me and my family and we hope to bring that...